Saturday, August 4, 2012

Current movie obsession TDKR

Since childhood it has been easy for me to be obsessed with a movie for a period of time, because in my mind I'd be one of the leads. 

I watched The Dark Knight Rises twice already, and I won't be surprised if I watched it again.

I'm not a Christopher Nolan fan, I did not understand Inception and thought Joker was going to become a good guy in the end of The Dark Knight!!! Im sorry I'm not a comics girl !!  Its ok, if you want to socially outcast me. 

I have been seriously obsessing about the final installment of the trilogy and my family is hoping I get over it soon. 

Here are the Top 5 reasons why this phase is going to last longer than it should.

1) I love Tom Hardy. I love his British accent. I think he has gorgeous eyes and super feminine lips. I was not fully prepared for what Nolan did to his accent and face, but I see Tom Hardy through the mask because true love is unconditional and blind, in this case a little deaf too.

Tan lines are ok sometimes.

2) I love a super-hero with a super sexy alter ego. And Christian Bale is a class act.

Christian Bale visited the Aurora victims at the Medical Center 

3) Its very amusing to watch that weird thing Batman does with his mouth when he speaks. 

4) I am totally digging the music of the film. In fact I am listening to the album as I write. 'Underground Army' is my favourite. 

5) Joseph Gordon Lewitt! You remember him as the boy in 3rd rock from the sun, but I just realised today he is the guy who tries to kiss Eric in That 70s show. Hahahaha. To the world he is and will remain Joseph Gordon Handsome because he can absolutely do whatever with his face and still look so good! 

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